
Justifications for Teaching Astronomy in Basic Education: a look at research carried out in Brazil

Astronomy Education Research 101
3rd Shaw-IAU Workshop
Tuesday Oct. 12, 2021
UTC: 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
, Thursday Oct. 14, 2021
UTC: 6 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.

It presents a survey of the last ten years, of the importance and justifications attributed to the Teaching of Astronomy by Brazilian researchers in the area, in their investigations. Of 220 works found in journals related to this field of knowledge, arguments were identified in 67 of them. To verify the nature of these justifications, categories established by Soler (2012) were used: the awakening of feelings that astronomical themes can arouse in different audiences; the socio-historical-cultural importance attributed by humanity to Astronomy; the possibility that this Science can broaden the worldview and raise awareness on issues such as environmental preservation and citizenship; and the ability that Astronomy has to interrelate with other areas of knowledge (interdisciplinarity).


My name is Antônio Carlos da Silva. I have a degree in Physical and Biological Sciences with a degree in Biology and in Pedagogy with a degree in School Administration. I am retired by the Municipality of São Paulo, as a teacher in the initial grades of elementary school, and by the Secretary of Education of the State of São Paulo, as a teacher in the final grades, in the Science discipline. After I retired, I went back to studying, as this is an activity, among others, which I really enjoy. Currently, I am a Master's student in the Post-Graduate Course in Science Teaching - Physics Teaching at USP.

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