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Fornax Galaxy Cluster
Caption: Galaxies can reside in groups, such as our own local group, or in clusters of galaxies. The Fornax Galaxy Cluster is one of the nearest such large groupings of galaxies. Visible in this image taken by the Very Large Telescope Survey Telescope VST (at the European Southern Observatory in Chile) are elliptical galaxies (without defined structures and in a yellow tint) but also spiral galaxies such as NGC 1365 towards the bottom right. This galaxy in particular is classified as a barred spiral galaxy due to its prominent and well-defined bar. The center of the Fornax Cluster is the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1399, visible as the largest galaxy on the left of the image.
Credit: ESO. Acknowledgement: Aniello Grado and Luca Limatola credit link
Credit: ESO. Acknowledgement: Aniello Grado and Luca Limatola credit link
License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons تخصیص 4.0 بینالمللی (CC BY 4.0) icons