

While the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education has its main office at the Haus der Astronomie in Heidelberg, we have several Centers and Nodes spread across the world.

OAE Main Office

Hosted by Haus der Astronomie
OAE head office

The IAU Office of Astronomy for Education is hosted at Haus der Astronomie (HdA), managed by the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy. The Main Office in Heidelberg coordinates the OAE's global National Astronomy Education Coordinator network and the work between the OAE Centers and Nodes.

» More about the OAE Main Office

OAE Center Cyprus

Hosted by the Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation
OAE head office

OAE Center Egypt

Hosted by the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
OAE head office

The OAE Center Egypt is hosted by the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Helwan, Cairo Egypt. NRIAG is considered a beacon of astronomy education, awareness and outreach in Egypt, North Africa and the Arab region. It plays an essential role in this respect on an academic level through its different facilities with expert staff and resources.

» More about the OAE Center Egypt

OAE Center India

Hosted by the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)
OAE head office

The primary focus of the OAE Center India is to develop astronomy teaching methods and tools of assessment for middle and high-school students and teachers. The OAE Center India will develop newer astronomy teaching modules and teacher training structures. The center will also focus on language inclusive tools to make them broadly applicable.

» More about the OAE Center India

OAE Center Italy

Hosted by the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
OAE head office

I-OAE (Italy-Office of Astronomy for Education) is the first IAU OAE Center to provide long-term support towards the goals of the IAU OAE. OARoma hosts its Headquarters. The I-OAE focuses on three respects: Child-centered activities, a Mediterranean regional role and astroEDU-Italy.

» More about the OAE Center Italy

OAE Node France at CY Cergy Paris University

Hosted by CY Cergy Paris University
OAE head office

The OAE Node France-CY (OAENF-CY) is hosted by CY Cergy Paris University (CYU) and supported by the astrophysics laboratory, LERMA-CY, and the science and mathematics education laboratory, LDAR. Its focuses are on teaching resources and on the francophone countries.

» More about the OAE Node France at CY Cergy Paris University

OAE Node Nepal

Hosted by the Nepal Astronomical Society
OAE head office

OAE Nepal Node (N-OAE) is hosted by Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) will mainly focus on citizen-science projects in low-tech environments, teacher training programs and training for astronomy Olympiads whilst working to build the OAE’s network of collaborations particularly in the SAARC region and, more generally, with countries facing similar challenges

» More about the OAE Node Nepal

OAE Node Republic of Korea

Hosted by the Korean Astronomical Society (KAS)
OAE head office