
Select External Resources

The Office of Astronomy for Education is just one part of the global astronomy education community. This community has produced a wealth of educational resources and training programs. Here we present a number of resources produced by the astronomy education community.

IAU Offices and Structures

Teacher training programs

Dictionaries, glossaries and thesauri

The OAE has produced its own multilingual glossary of terms that may appear in primary and secondary schools. There are a number of similar resources produced by the global astronomy community.

  • The Dictionary of Astronomical Concepts includes descriptions and etymologies for a range of astronomical terms in English, French and Persian. This was produced by Working Group from the former IAU Commission 46.
  • The Astronomy Society of Japan's Glossary of Astronomy lists astronomical terms with definitions in Japanese tailored for different educational levels.
  • The American Astronomical Society's Unified Astronomical Thesaurus draws on existing astronomical resources to produce an open source, community-supported thesaurus

Online astronomy education resources

  • Universe Awareness (UNAWE): a global network focussing on astronomy education for children aged 4-10.
  • SDSS Voyages: a wide-ranging set of educational activities based on real data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey archive.
  • Galileo Mobile: a non-profit promoting astronomy outreach and education for underserved communities.
  • Openstax - Astronomy: a free, online astronomy textbook aimed at schools available under a Creative Commons license.

Open Schools Observatories

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