
7th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education

The 7th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education will be held from the 18th of November 2025 to the 21st of November 2025 (UTC time)

The 7th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education is scheduled to run 18 - 21 November 2025 and, as in previous years, it will be a fully virtual event.

The Shaw-IAU workshops focus on astronomy education for primary and secondary school students, as well as teacher training in universities. This year's Education focus session on Teaching with authentic data and the Science focus is on Galaxies.

The complete list of session topics is listed below:

  • Astronomy education in schools in practice (primary and secondary schools)
  • Astronomy Education Research
  • Teaching methods and tools
  • Science focus session on Galaxies
  • Education focus session on teaching with authentic data

Talks and posters may be presented in any language, although abstracts will need to be submitted in English. In addition, English subtitles will be required for talks and English translations for posters if they are submitted in another language.

Following their success the last couple of years we also aim to host regional or special language sessions during the Workshop.

To stay up to date with the activities of the IAU OAE, and to receive our announcements about projects, opportunities for collaboration, and events, please subscribe to the OAE mailing list.

The deadline to register is the 21st of November 2025 at 20:00 (UTC time)

The sessions for the 7th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education are listed below

Astronomy Education in Schools in Practice (Primary and Secondary Schools)

This session will focus on practical applications of astronomy education in classrooms, highlighting successful classroom strategies and innovative teaching techniques that engage students at both primary and secondary levels.

Astronomy Education Research

This session will explore recent developments and findings in astronomy education research, examining methodologies, assessment techniques, and the impact of various educational interventions on learners and educators.

Education Focus Session: Teaching with Authentic Data

This session will highlight methods for integrating real astronomical data into teaching, showcasing projects and resources that allow students to engage in inquiry-based learning with authentic datasets.

Science Focus Session: Galaxies

This session will cover the latest scientific discoveries about galaxies, their formation and evolution, and how these topics can be effectively incorporated into educational settings.

Teaching Methods and Tools

Dedicated to discussing and sharing effective teaching tools, digital resources, and pedagogical strategies that enhance astronomy education at different levels. This session covers a broad pedagogical range from online teaching, to teaching with art and other disciplines and teaching with museum exhibits.