Shaw-IAU OAE South American Regional Meeting
In collaboration with the Office of Astronomy for Education of the International Astronomical Union (OAE-IAU), the NAEC team of Argentina and the Astronomical Observatory of the National University of Córdoba (OAC-UNC), with the endorsement of the Argentine Association of Astronomy, are organizing the Shaw-IAU South American Regional Meeting on Astronomy for Education, from May 26 to 28, 2025 at the Astronomical Observatory of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
It is an important opportunity to unite people from most countries engaged in Astronomy Education, particularly through NAECs, in order to:
- Promote Astronomy Education in South America.
- Present educational experiences carried out and innovative approaches in teaching Astronomy.
- Develop future common actions.
- Generate spaces for cooperation.
- Develop practical activities.
The meeting will take place at the OAC-UNC headquarters in the city of Córdoba (Argentina) over three days, from Monday, May 26 to Wednesday, May 28, 2025, and will have the in-person participation of NAEC representatives from ten South American countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Secondary and Tertiary Physics teachers from the region may also participate.
The Shaw Prize Foundation and the OAE-IAU will provide the necessary funds to cover travel and accommodation expenses for one NAEC representative per country above mentioned, to participate as a speaker at the meeting. All NAECs in the region are kindly invited to participate.
For more information, please contact the organizers at
You can also view the invitation in Spanish and Portuguese for this workshop.