
Listening to the stars

Teaching Methods and Tools
5th Shaw-IAU Workshop
Wednesday Nov. 29, 2023
UTC: 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
, Thursday Nov. 30, 2023
UTC: 8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
, UTC: 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
, UTC: 8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

During may 2022, the AAEC Henrietta Swan Leavitt run two workshops for visually impaired students from Canary Islands. These six students started their adventure learning the sonification technique by means of tactile diagrams and sonoUno software. After that, in the second workshop, we introduced fundamental astronomy concepts such as star, photon, brightness, constellations, asteroids, variability, light curves, ... They even enjoyed Poetry and Mythology as well; and finally, they explored a picture (tactile) where they could touch and identify a field with a lot o stars they listen to afterwards, identifying an special one: UCAC4 459-092739, the first variable star discovered by visually impaired students in history.


Carlos is a Public Education Maths Teacher in The Canary Islands, Spain, since 2000, President of Asociación Astronómica y Educativa de Canarias "Henrietta Swan Leavitt" and the AAVSO Mentor in Spainl. He teaches Maths through STEAM and PBL with experience in hands-on Astronomy Projects related to asteroids, variable stars, Astro PI from ESA and Sonification. His students, actually, have discovered three variable stars, several asteroids and have won 2017 Astro PI Mission Spacelab.