
Time evolution of astronomy themes in the Romanian National Curriculum

Astronomy Education Research
6th Shaw-IAU Workshop
Tuesday Nov. 12, 2024
UTC: 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
, Thursday Nov. 14, 2024
UTC: 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Astronomy is not a new subject in the Romanian Curricula, in fact is one of the oldest subjects taught at different levels in our country. Although astronomy is nowadays present in the curriculum just as themes within subjects such as physics, mathematics, geography, etc. we find it interesting to see which themes have been preserved in time.We propose an analysis of how the presence in the curricula of different astronomy themes has evolved in time and a comparison of these themes with the Big Ideas in Astronomy, the themes comprehending the Astronomy Literacy definition of Pedro Russo et. al. The importance of such a study is not only to present a history of these themes in the curriculum of our country, but rather to show how relevant astronomy is to any literacy solving curriculum.


Ficut-Vicas Dana is an astronomy researcher devoting part of her research to astronomy education and towards facilitating access to astronomy knowledge for romanian people. With a doctorate in astronomy and studies in curricular management and development her main interest is in developing and implementing astronomy education for students of all levels using an interdisciplinary approach.