Lascil - Cutting-Edge Online Tools In Astronomy And Planetary Science For A (Post) Pandemic World
TalkTeaching Methods and Tools
5th Shaw-IAU Workshop
Wednesday Nov. 29, 2023
UTC: 9:25 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. America/Chicago: 3:25 a.m.- 3:40 a.m.
Thursday Nov. 30, 2023
UTC: 8:55 p.m. - 9:10 p.m. America/Chicago: 2:55 p.m.- 3:10 p.m.
I will present results, conclusions and evaluation from the recently completed (June 2023) Erasmus + program, LaSCiL (; Large Scientific Infrastructures enriching online and digital Learning).
LaSciL comprised 5 institutions from 4 countries to develop and support high quality science teaching during and after the pandemic.
The partners created 29 PDF guides as cutting edge educational tools which have a significant online and/or digital component.
20 educational scenarios (‘demonstrators’) were developed in astronomy and planetary science. These are lesson plans which teachers can then copy or adapt to their own needs.
Teachers also took part in 2 week-long ‘summer schools’ in which they created their own scenarios (a further 48) which they implemented in their classrooms.
About Fraser Lewis
Fraser Lewis was PI on the LaSciL Project and is based in South Wales as an educator and researcher with the Faulkes Telescope Project. He writes resources for teachers and students in astronomy and is an active researcher in the field of X-ray Binaries, especially in their behaviour at optical wavelengths.