
Webb: Probing The Material That Builds Planets

During Science Topic: James Webb Space Telescope, the First Two Years
6th Shaw-IAU Workshop

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST, or Webb) is orders of magnitude
more powerful than previous missions and will therefore push the
boundaries of human knowledge even further. This talk will focus on
the birth of new stars and characterizing the material that builds
planets. What are the ingredients for possible life outside our solar

About Ewine van Dishoeck

Ewine van Dishoeck is Professor of Molecular Astrophysics at Leiden
University (The Netherlands). The research of her group innovatively
unites the world of chemistry with that of physics and astronomy. She
helped develop the most powerful telescopes in the world, including
the James Webb Space Telescope. She was awarded the 2018 Kavli Prize
for Astrophysics. From 2018-2021, Ewine served as the President of the
International Astronomical Union (IAU).