
Collaborations And Collisions In Science And Art

Astronomy across disciplines
3rd Shaw-IAU Workshop
Tuesday Oct. 12, 2021
UTC: 2 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. America/New_York: 10 a.m.- 10:20 a.m.
Wednesday Oct. 13, 2021
UTC: 9 a.m. - 9:20 a.m. America/New_York: 5 a.m.- 5:20 a.m.

What happens when science and art collide? The Science Gallery network explores this exciting frontier where scientists and artists collaborate to bring their combined effort to the public in a variety of head-turning exhibits and performances. This talk combines inspirational works from Science Gallery Dublin with the personal journey of the speaker; from physics undergraduate, to Public Engagement Manager at the Royal Observatory Greenwich to researcher at Science Gallery Dublin, Trinity College Dublin. The talk will include practical guidance on how to promote a healthy backdrop for innovation when combining disciplines for public consumption.

About Brendan Owens

Brendan holds a B.Sc. in Physics and Astronomy and M.Sc. in Science Communication from Dublin City University. Having worked a decade at the Royal Observatory Greenwich, he has extensive experience of public and school engagement sparking curiosity in a wide range of subtopics within astronomy. To date he has worked with community groups, schools, informal learning groups and the wider public to explore many science topics and how science works including: breaking down stereotypes, empowerment through the lived experience and the role of science in society. Brendan works at Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin as Open Science Coordinator and delights in exploring where other people's passions and needs intersect with science and art.

Watch a recording of this talk (external link)