
Stories Of Science, Science Of Stories: Using Narratives In Astronomy Outreach

Astronomy across disciplines
3rd Shaw-IAU Workshop
Tuesday Oct. 12, 2021
UTC: 2:40 p.m. - 3 p.m. America/New_York: 10:40 a.m.- 11 a.m.
Wednesday Oct. 13, 2021
UTC: 9:40 a.m. - 10 a.m. America/New_York: 5:40 a.m.- 6 a.m.

Narrative helps people remember more facts and make connections between them, making it a useful tool for outreach and education in general. In science education, it is especially helpful to increase understanding of the process (scientific method) and interdisciplinarity. I will present examples and best practice for how scientists can use storytelling for science communication as well as how existing stories (be it science fiction literature, movies, drama or even opera) can be used to illustrate scientific concepts and elicit curiosity.

About Julie Nekola Nováková

Julie Nováková is an evolutionary biologist by study, active in science education and outreach, and acclaimed author, editor and translator of speculative fiction. Among other works, she created a science outreach anthology of astrobiological SF and essays, Strangest of All (European Astrobiology Institute, 2020). She’s active in science outreach, education and nonfiction writing, and co-leads the outreach working group of the European Astrobiology Institute, where she's currently editing a more ambitious outreach anthology titled Life Beyond Us. She’s a member of the XPRIZE Sci-fi Advisory Council and the Europlanet Society.

Watch a recording of this talk (external link)