
Naked Eye Astronomy Projects

Naked-eye astronomy
3rd Shaw-IAU Workshop
Wednesday Oct. 13, 2021
UTC: 9:20 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. America/New_York: 5:20 a.m.- 5:30 a.m.
Thursday Oct. 14, 2021
UTC: 6:50 p.m. - 7 p.m. America/New_York: 2:50 p.m.- 3 p.m.

I would like to broadly classify them in to day time and night time astronomy projects. In the daytime projects involving the sun, shadow measurements at meridian passage was one of the most successful project. There were a few related to the moon as well. Although the night sky offered very little scope for the urbanites I utilised the passages of HST and other bright (artificial) satellites for a few practical sessions. The most popular among them was with the local radio stations which gradually got converted to Whats App sessions last year. The occultations, conjunctions and meteor showers also offered a good opportunity. I will quote some examples and possibility of exploiting these ideas for the current pandemic era.

About Shylaja B S

An observational astrophysicist specializing in Wolf-Rayet binary stars. Also studied peculiar stars, comets, dwarf novae and asteroids. Joined the planetarium as educator and progressed to become the Director in 2012. Engaged students of elementary school to postgraduates for activity oriented astronomy sessions. Many students became very good teachers subsequently, while a smaller number made it to PhD programs at various universities. Helped the teachers with fundamentals of astronomy, (they were not exposed to the subject earlier), in many text board committees, science centers. Designed and installed many interactve exhibits in the science park in the planetarium.premises.

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