
Glossary term: 哈勃图

Description: 最初的哈勃图是一张星系速度(y 轴)与距离(x 轴)的散点图。该图显示了速度与距离之间的线性关系,从而证明远处的星系比近处的星系移动得更快,总体上星系似乎正在远离 "我们"。这也是宇宙正在膨胀的证据之一。这条直线的斜率(梯度)被称为哈勃参数(H),其方程被称为哈勃-勒梅特尔定律(Hubble-Lemaître Law)。哈勃参数在当前时刻(宇宙大爆炸 138 亿年后)的值称为哈勃常数(H₀)。根据对 Ia 型超新星的观测,哈勃图的现代迭代绘制了距离模量(利用亮度间接测量距离)与红移的关系图。事实上,原始哈勃图中星系的速度是通过红移间接测量的。

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Term and definition status: The original definition of this term in English have been approved by a research astronomer and a teacher
The translation of this term and its definition is still awaiting approval

The OAE Multilingual Glossary is a project of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) in collaboration with the IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach (OAO). The terms and definitions were chosen, written and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits here. All glossary terms and their definitions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE".

If you notice a factual or translation error in this glossary term or definition then please get in touch.