Glossary term: 人马座 A*
Description: 对银河系中心恒星和气体运动的观测间接证明了一个超大质量黑洞的存在,其质量约为太阳的450万倍,直径约为4000万公里,距离地球约2.7万光年。人马座A*是与该超大质量黑洞相关的致密射电源,它在多个波段中被观测到,尤其是射电波段。之所以叫 "人马座",是因为它位于从地球上观测到的人马座中;字母 "A "是因为它是该星座中最亮也是第一个被发现的太阳系外射电源;星号则来源于物理学中用于表示激发(excited)态原子的符号,而 "人马座 A*"是一个令人激动(exciting)的发现。
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Term and definition status: The original definition of this term in English have been approved by a research astronomer and a teacher The translation of this term and its definition is still awaiting approval
The OAE Multilingual Glossary is a project of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) in collaboration with the IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach (OAO). The terms and definitions were chosen, written and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits here. All glossary terms and their definitions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE".
If you notice a factual or translation error in this glossary term or definition then please get in touch.
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Credit: Adapted by the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education from the original by IAU/Sky & Telescope
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