
Glossary term: Jupiter

Description: Jupiter est la plus grande planète du Système solaire et la cinquième planète la plus éloignée du Soleil. C'est une géante gazeuse d'un rayon de 71 300 kilomètres (km), soit environ 11 fois le rayon de la Terre. La masse de Jupiter (318 fois la masse de la Terre) est supérieure à la somme des masses de toutes les autres planètes et de tous les corps plus petits du système solaire.

Sa distance typique par rapport au Soleil est de 778 millions de km, soit environ cinq unités astronomiques (distance Terre-Soleil), et il lui faut un peu moins de 12 années terrestres pour parcourir son orbite. En 2023, les astronomes ont détecté plus de 90 lunes ou satellites naturels en orbite autour de Jupiter.

Jupiter est visible à l'œil nu. Son nom en anglais dérive du roi des dieux romains. Observée dans un petit télescope, on peut voir des ceintures de nuages de différentes couleurs et une gigantesque région orageuse circulaire rouge (la "Grande Tache rouge"). Quelques sondes spatiales ont été envoyées vers Jupiter au cours des dernières décennies et, en 2016, la sonde Juno de la NASA a commencé à explorer Jupiter et ses lunes de manière beaucoup plus détaillée.

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Term and definition status: The original definition of this term in English have been approved by a research astronomer and a teacher
The translation of this term and its definition is still awaiting approval

The OAE Multilingual Glossary is a project of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) in collaboration with the IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach (OAO). The terms and definitions were chosen, written and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits here. All glossary terms and their definitions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE".

Related Media

The planet Jupiter with the two of the four Galilean moons (visible as bright dots) orbiting it.

Jupiter's Rotation, by Vishal Sharma, India

Caption: Third place in the 2021 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Galilean moons: Jupiter’s Rotation, by Vishal Sharma, India. This time-lapse beautifully shows the rotation of Jupiter and the passage of two Galilean moons on the right side of the frame. Jupiter completes one rotation in just under 10 hours and we see as the Great Red Spot makes its way from left to right. The two moons travel a noticeable fraction of their orbit in this short time. This image was taken in 2020 in the North of India.
Credit: Vishal Sharma/IAU OAE

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The planet Jupiter, seen here as a bright disk, is orbited by the four Galilean moons, seen here as bright dots

Jupiter Moons Movie2, by Nicolas Hurez, Paul-Antoine Matrangolo, and Carl Pennypacker, United States of America

Caption: Second place in the 2021 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Galilean moons. This sequence shows the orbit of the four Galilean moons around the planet Jupiter. Almost two entire orbits of the innermost moon, Io, can be seen, with the other moons (Europa and Ganymede, but in particular Callisto) being further away, orbiting noticeably slower. The images were obtained in 2018 with the Las Cumbres Global Observatory at different locations on Earth, allowing a continuous sequence of images over approximately half a week without gaps during the day. With clear skies and over the course of several nights, the motion of the Galilean moons can also be observed with binoculars (ideally steady your elbows on a surface).
Credit: Nicolas Hurez, Paul-Antoine Matrangolo and Carl Pennypacker/IAU OAE

License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons

Jupiter with coloured horizontal bands of clouds. The shadow of the moon Io is seen as a dark circle in the top left

Jupiter, Io and its shadow, by Ralf Burkart, Germany

Caption: First place in the 2021 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Galilean moons. This time-lapse of Jupiter taken in 2017 from Germany beautifully illustrates the transit of one of the Galilean moons, Io, in front of Jupiter. As this is simply a moon casting a shadow on a planet it is equivalent to a lunar eclipse on Earth observed from further away. While the shadow of the moon is clearly visible from the beginning, it might be difficult to spot the moon itself against the background of the beautiful atmospheric bands of Jupiter the first time the video is seen. Watching it repeatedly allows appreciating the rapid motion and rotation in this fantastic observation.
Credit: Ralf Burkart/IAU OAE

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La planète Jupiter avec des bandes de nuages horizontaux et la grande tâche rouge


Caption: Cette vue du disque complet de Jupiter a été obtenue le 21 avril 2014 avec la Camera 3 à grand champ (WFC3) de Hubble. Elle montre la grande tâche rouge proéminente, un gigantesque cyclone. Des bandes de nuages couvrent la surface, dont les couleurs proviennent de gaz comme l'ammoniac et d'autres composés chimiques.
Credit: NASA, ESA, et A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center) credit link

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The Milky Way rises from the horizon over a landscape with trees, water and the distant glow of city lights

Flowing Night Sky

Caption: Honourable mention in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Time lapses of celestial patterns.   This time-lapse was shot from Slovakia in August 2020. By fixing the relative movement of the sky to Earth's rotation in some of the frames, we can experience a different perspective as a viewer. The Milky Way, our home galaxy, is visible throughout the whole video. The bright objects near the Milky Way are Jupiter and Saturn, close together, Jupiter being the brighter one. This video also shows the interaction of amateur astronomers observing the Perseids meteor shower with their telescopes pointed towards the sky. An unfortunate aspect of the art of astronomical observing, clouds can suddenly cover the whole sky. The fog occurs mostly because of the higher humidity after the rain. Most of the light trails in the sky are made by satellites, but some of them, appearing just very briefly and not very noticeably, are meteors, as the video was shot around the peak of Perseids meteor shower.
Credit: Robert Barsa/IAU OAE

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Au-dessus des arbres, la Voie lactée et plusieurs objets brillants de part et d'autre, est coupée par une large ligne sombre.

Voie lactée au-dessus de l'Avenue des Baobabs

Caption: Gagnant du concours d'astrophotographie 2022 de l'UAI OAE, catégorie Images fixes de motifs célestes. Cette image, prise depuis l'Avenue des Baobabs, Morondava, Madagascar, en juillet 2017, montre la trainée majestueuse de la Voie lactée, notre Galaxie, ainsi qu'une riche collection de constellations et d'astérismes : La Croix du Sud, le Centaure, le Scorpion, le Sagittaire et l'astérisme de la Théière. En bas à gauche de l'image, on peut voir la Croix du Sud et les étoiles Alpha (la plus brillante des deux) et Beta du Centaure, qui permettent de la distinguer de configurations similaires. Certaines cultures africaines associent la Croix du Sud à une girafe, tandis que d'autres associent les constellations à une horde de lions ou même à l'arbre de vie. Antarès, l'étoile la plus brillante de la constellation du Scorpion, est l'étoile rouge-orange au dessus du baobab central. Pour les Pokomo, peuple du sud-ouest du Kenya, en Afrique, la Voie lactée est associée à la fumée émanant d'un feu de camp allumé par les anciens. Les Khoikhoi de la région du Cap expliquent les couleurs des étoiles rouges et blanches par des racines rouges et blanches rôties sur un feu et jetées vers le ciel avec les cendres du feu. Les Xhosa, plus à l'est, considèrent la Voie lactée comme le poil dressé d'un énorme chien en colère, tandis que les Zoulous, près de Johannesburg, l'interprètent comme un flot de lances de leurs plus puissants guerriers. Les Polynésiens, qui étaient d'habiles marins et navigateurs, voient la constellation du Scorpion comme un hameçon et l'appellent l'hameçon du demi-dieu Maui. Pour les Djab Wurrung et les Jardwadjali, la Croix du Sud fait partie d'une histoire du Temps du Rêve impliquant Tchingal, les frères Bram-bram-bult (Alpha et Beta de la Grande Ourse, alias Dubhe et Merak), leur mère Druk (Delta de la Croix du Sud), et Bunya, le chasseur qui se transforme en opossum (Gacrux, étoile rouge au sommet de la Croix du Sud). Sur cette image, les planètes Saturne (le point brillant au-dessus d'Antarès) et Jupiter (le point brillant en bas à droite de l'image, près du tronc du baobab) sont visibles. Les cultures indigènes associent diverses histoires aux planètes. Par exemple, les peuples Kamilaroi et Wailan associent Saturne à wunygal, un petit oiseau. Les Boorong de l'ouest de l'État de Victoria associent Jupiter à Ginabongbearp, le chef des vieux esprits (Nurrumbunguttias), qui prend la forme totémique d'un cacatoès blanc à crête soufrée.
Credit: Amirreza Kamkar/UAI OAE

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Image panoramique de la Voie lactée montrant une rivière de lumière diffuse, interrompue par une bande centrale tachetée.

La Voie lactée à travers le zénith

Caption: Gagnant du concours d'astrophotographie 2022 de l'UAI OAE, catégorie Images fixes de motifs célestes. Cette image de l'ensemble du ciel montre notre galaxie, la Voie lactée, traversant le zénith, point situé juste au-dessus de l'observateur, vue de Nagano, au Japon, en mai 2019. De telles images de l'ensemble du ciel peuvent être prises soit avec un objectif fish-eye, soit avec un miroir convexe au sol, ce dernier montrant également le photographe. Certaines des étoiles les plus brillantes du ciel nocturne sont visibles sur cette image, ainsi que deux des planètes géantes de notre système solaire : Jupiter, le point le plus brillant en bas de l'image, et Saturne, un autre point brillant juste à l'opposé de la galaxie, en bas et près de l'horizon. Directement à droite de la Voie lactée et en dessous de Jupiter, nous pouvons apercevoir l'étoile rouge Antarès, étoile principale de l'astérisme japonais du Cœur. Les constellations japonaises dérivent des anciennes constellations chinoises, qui ont été adoptées avec peu ou pas de changements. Dans cette tradition, le Cœur est le cœur du "Dragon d'azur", une super-constellation qui représente le printemps. Dans les traditions babylonienne et gréco-romaine, cette zone est considérée comme le cœur du Scorpion. Dans la religion babylonienne, l'étoile est associée à Lisi, l'enfant de la déesse mère, mais dans la mythologie grecque, elle est liée à la planète Mars, en raison de sa couleur. La couleur rougeâtre est également à l'origine du nom chinois de l'étoile, "l'étoile de feu". Nous savons que cette couleur est due à sa température relativement froide. En partant d'Antarès vers la droite de l'image, nous trouvons les parties les plus septentrionales du ciel. L'étoile brillante en bas à droite de l'image, près de l'horizon, est Arcturus, située dans la constellation moderne de la Boite à Bijoux. Alors qu'Antarès et ses environs sont considérés comme le cœur du dragon d'azur, Arcturus et Spica (sous l'horizon) sont deux astérismes mono-étoiles qui forment son énorme corne. En pointant vers elle depuis le haut, au bord droit de l'horizon de l'image, on peut voir l'anse de la Grande Ourse, ou chariot, qui fait partie de la constellation de la Grande Ourse. Le point lumineux à droite de la galaxie et juste au-dessus du centre de l'image est Véga, située dans la constellation moderne de la Lyre. En prolongeant une ligne de l'autre côté de la galaxie et un peu plus bas sur l'image, nous trouvons Altaïr, dans la constellation de l'Aigle. De ce point, nous prolongeons une autre ligne jusqu'à Deneb, l'étoile la plus brillante de la constellation du Cygne, également un peu plus haut sur cette image et complètement noyée par la Voie Lactée. Ces trois étoiles brillantes constituent l'astérisme connu sous le nom de Triangle d'été dans l'hémisphère nord.
Credit: Ohnishi Kouji/UAI OAE

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The bright Moon illuminates a beach. Three bright planets form a line below and to the right of the Moon.

To guard the Stars and the Sea Together

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns. This image composition is amazing. In the far background of the landscape we see a chain of mountains that seems to mirror the structure of the Milky Way in the sky above. The strong daylight-like colours of the landscape are caused by the Moon, the bright light at the top of the image. Taken in Kinabalu, Malaysia, in February 2019, this image shows the alignment of planets and the Moon, conveying the idea of the ecliptic as the central line of the Zodiac, the plane within which all planets orbit the Sun. The ecliptic is the central line of the Zodiac, so the region of about five to 10 degrees either side of the ecliptic is where the constellations of the Zodiac are located. Starting from the horizon towards the bottom left of the image we can see the planets Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. The planets have different cultural significance for people around the world, and are deeply embedded in social, religious and practical aspects of life. For example, Wardaman traditions of Indigenous Australians associate the planets with ancestor spirits who traverse the Celestial Road (ecliptic). The appearance and disappearance of planets in the sky are associated with various ceremonies. For example, when Venus starts being the “Morning star” after having been the “Evening star”, this marks the Banumbirr ceremony for the Yolnu people of Arnhem Land, in Australia. The image also shows the constellations Scorpius, Aquila, Lupus and Triangulum Australe, the asterism of the Teapot, and the two pointer stars Alpha and Beta Centauri. The constellations, asterisms and individual stars within them have significance in many different cultures. Malaysia, being close to the equator, has had connections to the north as well as to the south and almost the whole sky is visible over the course of the year. The star Antares is seen by the Kokatha people of the Western Desert as Kogolongo, the red tailed black cockatoo, while the Boorong refer to it as Djuit, the red-rumped parrot. The two stars which form the stinger of Scorpius (Shaula and Lesath), are called Karik Karik, the Australian Kestrel.
Credit: Likai Lin/IAU OAE

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Orion appears as an hourglass shape of stars in the bottom of the image. Above Taurus is v-shaped with a small star cluster

Romanian Orion

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns.   Taken in Romania in August 2012, this image shows two of the most recognisable constellations in the sky, Orion and Taurus. Orion, the Hunter, is found near the horizon. The most prominent star visible in this image is Betelgeuse, while the asterism of Orion’s belt is formed by three aligned bright stars. Just above Orion we can find Taurus, one of the constellations of the Zodiac. As the Zodiac is inherited from Babylon, The Bull of Heaven represents a mighty but dangerous creature that was defeated by King Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu. They cut the Bull in half and sacrificed the animal to the gods in order to protect their people. Taurus is also home to the star cluster Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters. Two planets are visible: Venus, the bright spot near the fence, and Jupiter, the bright spot at the top, next to the Bull’s face. Different cultures have included the stars of these constellations in their own mythology. The Romanians, for instance, after Christianisation identified four other constellations using some of the stars of Orion and others surrounding it. One such constellation is called Trisfetitele (the Three Saints), which is associated with the three stars comprising Orion's Belt, representing the Three Hierarchs Basil, Gregory and John. This same asterism is also called Three Wise Men, Kings from the East or just Three Kings — all of these names being rooted in the Christian religion. The agricultural calendar, in contrast, led farmers to define two other constellations, the Little Plough and the Sickle. Both are seen in the southern half of the Orion rectangle; the Little Plough is drawn by connecting the southern quadrilateral with Orion’s left shoulder, and the Sickle is formed by connecting Orion’s left foot (Rigel) with the belt stars, forming an arch and completing the form of a hoe. In the cultural calendar, these constellations were used to announce the harvest of wheat/grain. Finally, the fourth Romanian constellation is the Great Auger, where Orion’s belt represents the handle of the auger, and Betelgeuse is the tip, facing towards Pollux in Gemini. This constellation is associated with treasure, as Romanian peasants believe that the Auger points to the treasure when they approach the end of the world. Most of the official star names in Orion are Arabic; Mintaka (meaning “belt”) is at the waist; Alnitak (meaning “girdle”) and Alnilam (meaning “string”) are at the belt; and Rigel (meaning foot) is at the left foot. The star on the left shoulder is named Bellatrix, the Latin term for a female warrior. The star at the right leg is called Saiph, for the sword or sabre of the Arabic Orion.
Credit: Alex Conu/IAU OAE

License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons

The Milky Way appears as two vertical diffuse bands of light either side of a dark line, over a rocky outcrop.

The Pillar of Creation

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns.   This image shows the night sky over Tre Cime di Lavaredo, (Dolomites Natural Park), in the region of Veneto, Italy, in October 2021. The bright spot on the left-hand side is the planet Jupiter, appearing in the constellation Capricorn. To the right of Jupiter and below the two horn stars of Capricorn is the planet Saturn. Just above Jupiter we can see parts of Aquarius, one of the largest constellations and also part of the Zodiac. North of these constellations, left of the Milky Way, there are mostly faint stars. The brighter whitish one in the top left corner is Enif, a binary star in the constellation Pegasus. The Milky Way seems to emerge from a rock like celestial vapour. Roughly centred in the image are two bright stars left and right of the Milky Way: Altair and Vega, respectively. They seem to be separated by the galactic stream, as told in a popular Chinese folk story where they represent a loving couple. Today, in popular astronomy, the fairly bright star at the upper edge of the photograph is added to form a huge triangle with them, the Summer Triangle in the northern hemisphere. Altair is the brightest star of the Babylonian constellation Aquila, the Eagle. In ancient Babylon, it was said that the Eagle was carrying king Etana up in the air so that he could see Earth from above. Next to the Babylonian Eagle was the constellation of the Corpse, that returned only in Roman times when Ptolemy put it below the Eagle as the new sub-constellation “Antinous”. It is seen as the corpse (or soul) of the Roman emperor Hadrian’s favourite who had just died in the Nile. Vega is the bright white star to the right of the Milky Way. It forms part of the small constellation Lyra, famous for hosting the Ring Nebula, which is an impressive planetary nebula — a dying star blowing its gas into space. At the right edge of the image, three stars in a bent row appear rather prominently. This is the handle of the Big Dipper pointing downwards to a bright star close to the horizon: Arcturus, the bright star of the constellation Bootes (Greek: the Ploughman). This kite-like constellation is probably a pagan interpretation of the Babylonian god “Enlil” whose constellation also occupied that place in the sky. The Romans re-interpreted this figure as The Ox-Driver who controlled the Seven Oxen seen in the bright stars of Ursa Major. Directly right of Vega, there is the huge constellation Hercules and below it, directly to the left of Bootes, we find a half-circle of stars comprising the small constellation Corona Borealis, associated with Ariadne, daughter of King Minos of Crete in Greek culture. The lights seen in the bottom left side of the image are due to the reflection of artificial lights in the clouds.
Credit: Giorgia Hofer/IAU OAE

License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons

Three bright objects in the sky with one top left, one in the middle and one lower centre.

Jupiter, Venus, Moon Conjunction

Caption: Captured with a smartphone in February 2023, over the skies of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, USA, this photograph offers a glimpse into a conjunction, an enthralling astronomical phenomenon that occurs when two or more celestial objects are seen in close proximity in the sky from our perspective, despite the objects not being physically near to each other. In this image, the brilliance of Jupiter (top), the allure of Venus (middle), and the familiar glow of our Moon (bottom) dance together against a backdrop of delicate clouds and a treeline silhouette, making it a moment worth treasuring.
Credit: Joslynn Appel/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)

License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons

A person stands next to a snowy lake. The Milky Way stretches from the top of the image to the horizon.

Milky Way Stargazer

Caption: In May 2020, atop Mount Gongga in Sichuan, China, a lone observer stands amidst the cool night air at high altitude. Looking up, they witness the grand arc of the Milky Way stretching across the sky, captured using a smartphone set to panorama mode. This image was taken far away from the city lights at an elevation of 4200 metres, where the quiet of the mountains accentuate the connection between Earth and the vast cosmos. Jupiter, a bright planet, can be seen alongside the central bulge of the Milky Way, while a subtle green airglow on the horizon adds an intriguing touch to the scene.
Credit: Jianfeng Dai/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)

License: CC-BY-4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons