This page describes an image Earth from geostationary orbit
Image caption:
Full disk view of the Earth taken in 2016 by the geostationary satellite Himawari 8. It shows the Pacific, East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
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Image credit:
SSEC/CIMSS, University of Wisconsin–Madison Credit Link
Solar System
Image license: Public Domain Public Domain icons
The media file captions presented on the OAE website were written, translated and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits for our translation project here. All media file captions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE". The media files themselves may have different licenses (see above) and should be credited as listed above under "credit".
Captions in Different Languages:
Image caption: Vue de la Terre prise en 2016 par le satellite géostationnaire Himawari 8. Elle montre le Pacifique, l'Asie de l'Est, l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande.
Image credit: SSEC/CIMSS, Université du Wisconsin-Madison
Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Gilles Remy
Image caption: Il disco della Terra ripreso nel 2016 dal satellite geostazionario Himawari 8. Mostra il Pacifico, l'Asia orientale, l'Australia e la Nuova Zelanda.
Image credit: SSEC/CIMSS, Università del Wisconsin-Madison
Caption translation status: Approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Valentina La Parola
Caption reviewers: Rodolfo Canestrari