2nd Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education schedule

Tuesday Oct. 6, 2020
UTC: 2 p.m. - 4:10 p.m. America/Chicago: 9 a.m.- 11:10 a.m.- Plenary Session Opening Event including official opening of the OAE
- Welcome from the IAU - Ewine van Dishoeck
- Greetings from the Carl Zeiss Foundation - Theresia Bauer
- Greetings from the Klaus Tschira Foundation - Beate Spiegel
- Greetings from the Shaw Prize Foundation - Kenneth Young
- How the OAE Came Into Being - Teresa Lago
- Astronomy and Space Science: On top of Children’s interest - Svein Sjøberg
- Plenary Session Opening Event including official opening of the OAE
Wednesday Oct. 7, 2020
UTC: 7 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. America/Chicago: 2 a.m.- 3:40 a.m.- Plenary Session Astronomy education resources
- UTC: 7:10 a.m. - 7:25 a.m. America/Chicago: 2:10 a.m.- 2:25 a.m. Big Ideas in Astronomy - João Retrê, Pedro Russo
- UTC: 7:25 a.m. - 7:40 a.m. America/Chicago: 2:25 a.m.- 2:40 a.m. astroEDU: an astronomy activity repository. Developments over 2020 - Michael Fitzgerald
- UTC: 7:40 a.m. - 7:55 a.m. America/Chicago: 2:40 a.m.- 2:55 a.m. Considerations on the importance of building a national astronomical glossary: the Japanese case study - Hidehiko Agata
- UTC: 7:55 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. America/Chicago: 2:55 a.m.- 3:10 a.m. The making of the Universe in the Box - Cecilia Scorza
- UTC: 8:10 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. America/Chicago: 3:10 a.m.- 3:40 a.m. Discussion Panel: Astronomy Education Resources - Chair: Carolin Liefke
- Plenary Session Astronomy education resources
UTC: 8:40 a.m. -
9:25 a.m.
3:40 a.m.-
4:25 a.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
UTC: 9:25 a.m. -
10:25 a.m.
4:25 a.m.-
5:25 a.m.
- Break
UTC: 10:25 a.m. -
12:15 p.m.
5:25 a.m.-
7:15 a.m.
- Plenary Session Astronomy Education within the IAU
- UTC: 10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. America/Chicago: 5:30 a.m.- 5:45 a.m. The IAU’s global strategy for astronomy - Teresa Lago
- UTC: 10:45 a.m. - 11 a.m. America/Chicago: 5:45 a.m.- 6 a.m. The IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach: building bridges through international cooperation - Lina Canas
- UTC: 11 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. America/Chicago: 6 a.m.- 6:15 a.m. The IAU Office of Astronomy for Development - Kevin Govender
- UTC: 11:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. America/Chicago: 6:15 a.m.- 6:30 a.m. The IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) - Markus Pössel
- UTC: 11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. America/Chicago: 6:30 a.m.- 6:45 a.m. IAU Commission C1: Astronomy Education & Development - Paulo Bretones
- UTC: 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. America/Chicago: 6:45 a.m.- 7:15 a.m. Discussion Panel: Astronomy Education within the IAU - Chair: Markus Pössel
- Plenary Session Astronomy Education within the IAU
UTC: 12:15 p.m. -
1 p.m.
7:15 a.m.-
8 a.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
UTC: 1 p.m. -
2 p.m.
8 a.m.-
9 a.m.
- Break
UTC: 2 p.m. -
3:40 p.m.
9 a.m.-
10:40 a.m.
- Plenary Session Making astronomy education equitable, diverse and inclusive
- UTC: 2:10 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. America/Chicago: 9:10 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Astronomy Education - Amelia Ortiz Gil
- UTC: 2:30 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. America/Chicago: 9:30 a.m.- 9:50 a.m. Impact of Racial Inequalities on African Development - Tawanda Chingozha
- UTC: 2:50 p.m. - 3 p.m. America/Chicago: 9:50 a.m.- 10 a.m. Astronomy: Why so exclusive? - Joanna Molenda-Żakowicz
- UTC: 3 p.m. - 3:10 p.m. America/Chicago: 10 a.m.- 10:10 a.m. Astronomy and inclusion with Astronomy with all senses project - Ángela Patricia Pérez Henao
- UTC: 3:10 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. America/Chicago: 10:10 a.m.- 10:40 a.m. Discussion Panel: Making Astronomy Education Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive - Chair: Natalie Fischer
- Plenary Session Making astronomy education equitable, diverse and inclusive
UTC: 3:40 p.m. -
4:25 p.m.
10:40 a.m.-
11:25 a.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
UTC: 4:25 p.m. -
5:25 p.m.
11:25 a.m.-
12:25 p.m.
- Break
UTC: 5:25 p.m. -
6:55 p.m.
12:25 p.m.-
1:55 p.m.
- Plenary Session Astronomy education in low-tech environments: Challenges and solutions
- UTC: 5:35 p.m. - 5:55 p.m. America/Chicago: 12:35 p.m.- 12:55 p.m. Overcoming the Challenges of Astronomy Education in low-tech Environment: The Nigerian Story - Olayinka Fagbemiro
- UTC: 5:55 p.m. - 6:55 p.m. America/Chicago: 12:55 p.m.- 1:55 p.m. The Education System in our Country and its Condition - Nasser Alkadi
- UTC: 6:05 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. America/Chicago: 1:05 p.m.- 1:15 p.m. Astronomy Education in a Low-Tech Environment - Premana W. Premadi
- UTC: 6:15 p.m. - 6:25 p.m. America/Chicago: 1:15 p.m.- 1:25 p.m. The Nairobi Planetarium: A model for a sustainable, low cost, natural dome - Daniel Chu Owen
- UTC: 6:25 p.m. - 6:55 p.m. America/Chicago: 1:25 p.m.- 1:55 p.m. Discussion Panel: Astronomy Education in Low-Tech Environments: Challenges and Solutions - Chair: Niall Deacon
- Plenary Session Astronomy education in low-tech environments: Challenges and solutions
UTC: 6:55 p.m. -
7:40 p.m.
1:55 p.m.-
2:40 p.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
Thursday Oct. 8, 2020
UTC: 7 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. America/Chicago: 2 a.m.- 3:40 a.m.- Plenary Session Making astronomy education equitable, diverse and inclusive
- Plenary Session Making astronomy education equitable, diverse and inclusive
UTC: 8:40 a.m. -
9:25 a.m.
3:40 a.m.-
4:25 a.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
UTC: 9:25 a.m. -
10:25 a.m.
4:25 a.m.-
5:25 a.m.
- Break
- UTC: 10:25 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. America/Chicago: 5:25 a.m.- 6:55 a.m.
UTC: 11:55 a.m. -
12:40 p.m.
6:55 a.m.-
7:40 a.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
UTC: 12:40 p.m. -
1:40 p.m.
7:40 a.m.-
8:40 a.m.
- Break
UTC: 1:40 p.m. -
3 p.m.
8:40 a.m.-
10 a.m.
- Plenary Session Astronomy education around the world
- UTC: 1:50 p.m. - 2 p.m. America/Chicago: 8:50 a.m.- 9 a.m. Bridging the gap between different learning cultures - Matipon Tangmatitham
- UTC: 2 p.m. - 2:10 p.m. America/Chicago: 9 a.m.- 9:10 a.m. Creating awareness and promoting Astronomy education in Ethiopia - Jerusalem Tamirat Teklu
- UTC: 2:10 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. America/Chicago: 9:10 a.m.- 9:20 a.m. AstroBilgi Astronomy Teacher Training Workshops in Turkey - Aysegul Yelkenci
- UTC: 2:10 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. America/Chicago: 9:10 a.m.- 9:20 a.m. The Importance of Local Digital Dome Content in South Africa - Sally MacFarlane
- UTC: 2:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. America/Chicago: 9:30 a.m.- 10 a.m. Discussion Panel: Astronomy Education Around the World - Chair: Markus Nielbock
- Plenary Session Astronomy education around the world
UTC: 3 p.m. -
3:45 p.m.
10 a.m.-
10:45 a.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
UTC: 3:45 p.m. -
4:45 p.m.
10:45 a.m.-
11:45 a.m.
- Break
UTC: 4:45 p.m. -
6:35 p.m.
11:45 a.m.-
1:35 p.m.
- Plenary Session Astronomy Education within the IAU
- Plenary Session Astronomy Education within the IAU
UTC: 6:35 p.m. -
7:20 p.m.
1:35 p.m.-
2:20 p.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
UTC: 7:20 p.m. -
8:20 p.m.
2:20 p.m.-
3:20 p.m.
- Break
UTC: 8:20 p.m. -
9:40 p.m.
3:20 p.m.-
4:40 p.m.
- Plenary Session Astronomy education around the world
- UTC: 8:30 p.m. - 8:40 p.m. America/Chicago: 3:30 p.m.- 3:40 p.m. Storytelling to create a positive learning environment - Stefano Sandrelli
- UTC: 8:40 p.m. - 8:50 p.m. America/Chicago: 3:40 p.m.- 3:50 p.m. Astronomy Education as the 'Academic Ether' in Bolivia - Gabriel Jaimes
- UTC: 8:50 p.m. - 9 p.m. America/Chicago: 3:50 p.m.- 4 p.m. Astronomy in the land of avocados - Anahí Caldú Primo
- UTC: 9 p.m. - 9:10 p.m. America/Chicago: 4 p.m.- 4:10 p.m. Astronomical education research papers in Japan: the never-changing and the ever-changing, and the challenge of returning the research results to teachers - Tomita Akihiko
- UTC: 9:10 p.m. - 9:40 p.m. America/Chicago: 4:10 p.m.- 4:40 p.m. Discussion Panel: Astronomy Education Around the World - Chair: Markus Nielbock
- Plenary Session Astronomy education around the world
UTC: 9:40 p.m. -
10:25 p.m.
4:40 p.m.-
5:25 p.m.
- Informal meet & greet: The Hopin networking area
Friday Oct. 9, 2020
UTC: 7 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. America/Chicago: 2 a.m.- 3:40 a.m.- Plenary Session Astronomy education resources
- Plenary Session Astronomy education resources
UTC: 8:40 a.m. -
10:10 a.m.
3:40 a.m.-
5:10 a.m.
- Plenary Session Wrap-up session
- Plenary Session Wrap-up session
- View the proceedings for this workshop (PDF file 5.97 MB)