
Astronomy Education in low-tech environments: Tunisia

Astronomy education in low-tech environments: Challenges and solutions
2nd Shaw-IAU Workshop
Wednesday Oct. 7, 2020
UTC: 5:25 p.m. - 6:55 p.m. America/New_York: 1:25 p.m.- 2:55 p.m.
, Thursday Oct. 8, 2020
UTC: 10:25 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. America/New_York: 6:25 a.m.- 7:55 a.m.

As Tunisian astronomical Society, we organize and support activities to enhance public knowledge and education of astronomy. Various activities are taking place in Tunisia, these activities vary to fit target audience in simple practical workshops to better understand their world.
With abundant materials such as piece of wood or plastic, some school supplies (such as a compass, pencil, pen, ordinary lamp, terrestrial globe, etc.), a treated tennis ball, a planetarium and a telescope, we could practice our passion with young people and volunteers from different ages

Here are some practical workshops designed for young people:

- making artisanal Spectroscopes in hands-on workshops for children: Using cardboard tubes and cd Rom, we build spectroscopes to observe the solar spectrum

- Altosol workshops: to determine the height of the Sun, we measure shadow lengths of a triangular wooden piece

- Moon phases, Lunar and solar eclipse observation

- Planetarium sessions to introduce fundamentals in astronomy and to present the elements of the universe.

- Exhibitions: Participation in national and international astronomical and educational events.

- Solar and stellar observation with a telescope equipped with an H-alpha filter and a C8 or C9

- Making different types of Sundials (with wood in schoolyards)-

- Using The wooden model of Astrolabe, participants figure out where they are after identifying and locating the stars and the sun


Teyahi AbdelHafidh- Secondary teacher specialising in Physical Sciences since 2003 - member of the Astronomical Association of Tunisia (SAT) since 1996- vice-president on the SAT steering committee