
Diversity, equity and inclusion in Southern Brazil

Making astronomy education equitable, diverse and inclusive
2nd Shaw-IAU Workshop
Wednesday Oct. 7, 2020
UTC: 2 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. America/Chicago: 9 a.m.- 10:40 a.m.
, Thursday Oct. 8, 2020
UTC: 7 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. America/Chicago: 2 a.m.- 3:40 a.m.

I will briefly present some of our key projects developed in Porto Alegre focused on the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in Astronomy.


Professor Alan Alves-Brito was born in Bahia, in the northeast of Brazil. He holds a BSc (2001), MSc (2004) and PhD (2008) in Physics/Astronomy (Stellar Astrophysics). After completing his MSc/PhD studies at the University of São Paulo, postdoctoral experiences in Chile (PUC) and Australia (Swinburne University and Australian National University, where he obtained a Super Science Fellowship), Dr. Alves-Brito was appointed, in 2014, as an Adjunct Professor in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil. He has lead key teaching, research and outreach projects, some of them focused on the promotion of Astronomy for development and on inclusion issues related to gender (women/LGBTs), ethnicity, race, class and generation in STEM (science, technology, engineer and mathematics). He has written papers and books and delivered numerous talks on Astrophysics and Education and Science Communication.