
Cross-curriculum creativity: We Share the Same Moon

Teaching astronomy in primary schools: How, why, and in what context?
4th Shaw-IAU Workshop
Tuesday Nov. 15, 2022
UTC: 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. America/New_York: 6:30 a.m.- 8 a.m.
, Wednesday Nov. 16, 2022
UTC: 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. America/New_York: 1 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.

Astronomy provides many avenues for teaching aspects of the primary curriculum - from science topics such as physics, biology and the climate, to maths, geography, and even art. Working with a storyteller and experienced primary teachers, we developed a set of creative teaching activities based on astronomy topics. Each activity provides background for non-science specialist teachers, a "science story", detailed instructions, uses simple materials, has cross-curriculum links, and is paired with one or more cultural folk tales which can be used to introduce the topic in a primary classroom. This contribution will illustrate the project, its resources, how we tested the activities, and show how the resources have been used in different contexts.


Megan Argo is a Senior Lecturer in Astronomy at the University of Central Lancashire. She has a PhD in radio astronomy from the University of Manchester and a PGCert in Education from the Open University. She has 20 years of experience communicating astronomy in schools, with youth groups, and the general public and was awarded the British Empire Medal in 2022 for delivering virtual planetarium shows to youth groups during Covid-19 lockdowns.

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