
Observing The Sky In Astronomy Education: Building Benchmarks

Teaching astronomy in primary schools: How, why, and in what context?
4th Shaw-IAU Workshop
Tuesday Nov. 15, 2022
UTC: 12:05 p.m. - 12:15 p.m. America/New_York: 7:05 a.m.- 7:15 a.m.
Wednesday Nov. 16, 2022
UTC: 6:35 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. America/New_York: 1:35 p.m.- 1:45 p.m.

The practice of sky observing in Basic Education can produce good results, but may be hindered by some factors. To understand which aspects are essential for its realisation, we conducted a literature review, based on publications in astronomy education, which allowed us to build elements and organise them in three moments, allowing the necessary planning for its success.

About Antônio Carlos da Silva

My name is Antônio Carlos da Silva. I have a degree in Physical and Biological Sciences with a degree in Biology and in Pedagogy with a degree in School Administration. I am retired by the Municipality of São Paulo, as a teacher in the initial grades of elementary school, and by the Secretary of Education of the State of São Paulo, as a teacher in the final grades, in the Science discipline. After I retired, I went back to studying, as this is an activity, among others, which I really enjoy. Currently, I am a Master's student in the Post-Graduate Course in Science Teaching - Physics Teaching at USP.

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