
Creating Awareness And Promoting Astronomy Education In Ethiopia

Astronomy education around the world
2nd Shaw-IAU Workshop
Thursday Oct. 8, 2020
UTC: 2 p.m. - 2:10 p.m. America/New_York: 10 a.m.- 10:10 a.m.

The Astronomy education in Ethiopia is not much covered in the primary and secondary school curriculum. Therefore, conducting different activities such as trainings, outreach and summer school programs became our best option to promote astronomy through out the country. This days the activities are showing us a fruit. Students are very interested on astronomy education and space science. The demand for the Astronomy
education is highly increasing.

A lot of students are asking for different reading materials, trainings and schools to get more knowledge about astronomy and space science. Different methods has been used to address different schools and regions likestargazing, space camp, astrobus, summer school programs, etc. Nowadays the activities are not only catching the eyes of the society it is also taking the attention of the government. Sharing our experience how we are promoting and creating awareness on Astronomy education in our country will help and benefit others, especially for those countries who just started working on it.

About Jerusalem Tamirat Teklu

Ms. Jerusalem Tamirat is an Assistant Researcher in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Department at the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute. She completed her BSc degree in Physics from Bahir-Dar University in 2018 and her MSc degree in Astronomy.

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