
Astronomy Education And Outreach In Hustfz

Teaching astronomy as its own subject in secondary schools
4th Shaw-IAU Workshop
Wednesday Nov. 16, 2022
UTC: 12:45 p.m. - 12:55 p.m.
Wednesday Nov. 16, 2022
UTC: 10:15 p.m. - 10:25 p.m.

The middle school attached to Huazhong University of Science and Techonology (HUSTFZ) is the first characteristic middle school in astronomy education in Wu Han, China. I will talk about how we got this honor and how we got our ministry to listen. Then I'd like to share the syllabus of my astronomy curriculum and illustrate how we run this elective course. Finally, I would focus on interactive methods for astronomy education such as physics experiments, sky observations, using information technology or physical models.

About Wang Qin

Wang Qin is a physics teacher at the middle school attached to Huazhong University of Science and Techonology, which is the first characteristic middle school in astronomy education in Wu Han, China.
She previously completed her masters and PhD (none in astronomy) at the Central China Normal University. In 2013, she was funded by China Scholarship Council to be a predoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.Her research interest include interactive methods for astronomy education and outreach."

Watch a recording of this talk (external link)