
Glossary term: 木星

Description: 木星是太阳系中最大的行星,也是距离太阳第五远的行星。它是一颗气态巨行星,半径为 7.13 万公里,大约是地球半径的 11 倍。木星的质量(地球质量的 318 倍)比太阳系中所有其他行星和较小天体的总和还要大。

它与太阳的典型距离为 7.78 亿千米,约为 5 个天文单位(地球与太阳的距离),完成一个轨道需要不到 12 年的时间。截至 2023 年,天文学家已经探测到 90 多颗围绕木星运行的卫星或天然卫星。

它肉眼可见。它的英文名称源自罗马的众神之王。用小型望远镜观察,我们可以看到不同颜色的云带和一个巨大的红色圆形风暴区(即所谓的大红斑)。在过去的几十年里,已经有一些太空探测器被送往木星,2016 年,美国国家航空航天局的 "朱诺 "号宇宙飞船开始对木星及其卫星进行更详细的探索。

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Term and definition status: The original definition of this term in English have been approved by a research astronomer and a teacher
The translation of this term and its definition is still awaiting approval

The OAE Multilingual Glossary is a project of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) in collaboration with the IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach (OAO). The terms and definitions were chosen, written and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits here. All glossary terms and their definitions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE".

If you notice a factual or translation error in this glossary term or definition then please get in touch.

Related Media


木星的自转,作者 Vishal Sharma,印度

Caption: 2021 年国际天文学联合会 (IAU) 天文教育办公室 (OAE) 天体摄影比赛,伽利略卫星类第三名:《木星的自转》,作者 Vishal Sharma,来自印度。 这幅延时摄影作品精美地展示了木星的自转,以及画面右侧经过的两颗伽利略卫星。木星自转一圈只需不到 10 个小时,我们可以看到大红斑从左向右移动。在这短短的时间内,两颗卫星明显沿着它们的轨道前进了一段距离。这张照片是 2020 年在印度北部拍摄的。
Credit: Vishal Sharma/IAU OAE

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木卫影片2,Nicolas Hurez,Paul-Antoine Matrangolo,和Carl Pennypacker,美国

Caption: 2021 年国际天文学联合会 OAE 天体摄影比赛伽利略卫星类第二名。 这组照片展示了四颗伽利略卫星围绕木星运行的轨道。从中几乎可以看到最内侧的卫星木卫一艾奥的两个完整轨道,其他卫星(木卫二欧罗巴和木卫三加尼美得,尤其是木卫四卡利斯托)距离较远,运行速度明显较慢。这些图像是在2018年由Las Cumbres全球天文台在地球上不同地点拍摄的,因此可以在大约半个星期内连续拍摄一系列图像,白天也没有间隙。在天空晴朗的条件下,连续几个夜晚,也可以用双筒望远镜观测到伽利略卫星的运动(最好将手肘稳稳地放在地面上)。
Credit: Nicolas Hurez,Paul-Antoine Matrangolo 和 Carl Pennypacker/IAU OAE

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木星、木卫一及其阴影,作者:Ralf Burkart,德国

Caption: 2021 年国际天文学联合会 OAE 天体摄影比赛伽利略卫星类第一名。 这幅木星的延时摄影是于2017 年从德国拍摄的,作品精美地展示了伽利略卫星之一木卫一在木星前的凌星现象。由于这只是卫星在行星上投下影子,因此相当于从更远的地方观测地球上的月食。虽然卫星的影子从一开始就清晰可见,但在木星美丽的大气带背景下,第一次观看视频时可能很难发现卫星本身。反复观看可以欣赏到这一奇妙的快速运动和旋转过程。
Credit: Ralf Burkart/IAU OAE

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Caption: 这是 2014 年 4 月 21 日利用哈勃的宽视场相机3号 (WFC3) 拍摄的木星全盘视图。它展示了明显的大红斑,一个巨大的气旋。木星表面覆盖着云带,其颜色来自氨等气体和其他化合物。
Credit: 美国国家航空航天局、欧空局和 A. Simon(戈达德太空飞行中心) credit link

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Caption: 2022 年国际天文学联合会 OAE 天体摄影竞赛 "延时天体图案 "类别荣誉奖。 这幅延时摄影作品是 2020 年 8 月在斯洛伐克拍摄的。通过在部分画面中固定天空与地球自转的相对运动,作为观众的我们可以体验到不同的视角。 银河系,我们的家园星系,在整段视频中清晰可见。银河附近明亮的天体是木星和土星,它们靠得很近,其中木星更亮。 这段视频还展示了业余天文学家用望远镜对准天空观测英仙座流星雨的互动过程。天文观测的一个遗憾是,有时云层会突然遮住整个天空。云雾出现的主要原因是雨后湿度较大。 天空中的大部分亮线都是由卫星造成的,但其中有些出现的时间很短,也不是很明显,它们是流星,因为这段视频是在英仙座流星雨高峰期前后拍摄的。
Credit: Robert Barsa/IAU OAE

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Over trees with thick trunks, the Milky Way, with several bright objects left and right, is bisected by a wide dark line.

Milky Way over Avenue of Baobabs

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns.   This image, taken from the Avenue of Baobabs, Morondava, Madagascar, in July 2017, shows the majestic band of the Milky Way, our home galaxy, together with a rich collection of constellations and asterisms: Crux, Centaurus, Scorpius, Sagittarius and the Teapot asterism. Towards the bottom left of the image we can see the Southern Cross and the pointer stars Alpha (the brighter of the two) and Beta Centauri, which help to distinguish it from similar-looking configurations. Some cultures in Africa associate the Southern Cross with a giraffe, while others associate the constellations with a pride of lions or even with the Tree of Life. Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius, is the orange-red star straight up from the middle baobab tree. To the Pokomo people from southwestern Kenya, Africa, the Milky Way is associated with the smoke emanating from a campfire lit by ancient people. The various people in South Africa, in contrast, have different star tales; the Khoikhoi from the region around Cape Town explained the colours of the red and white stars as red and white roots that were roasted on a fire and thrown towards the sky together with the ashes of the fire. The Xhosa from further east consider the Milky Way the raised bristle of a huge angry dog, while the Zulu from near Johannesburg interpret it as a stream of spears of their strongest warriors. Polynesian people, who were adept seafarers and navigators, see the constellation Scorpius as a fish hook, and refer to it as the demigod Maui’s Fish Hook. For the Djab Wurrung and the Jardwadjali people, the Southern Cross is part of a Dreamtime Story involving Tchingal, the Bram-bram-bult brothers (the pointer stars), their mother Druk (Delta Crux), and Bunya, the hunter who gets changed into a possum (Gacrux, red star at the top of the Southern Cross). In this image, the planets Saturn (the bright point above Antares) and Jupiter (the bright point at the bottom-right of the image close to the trunk of the baobab tree) are visible. Indigenous cultures have various stories associated with the planets, for example Kamilaroi and Wailan people associate Saturn with wunygal, a small bird. The Boorong people of Western Victoria associate Jupiter with Ginabongbearp, the chief of the old spirits (Nurrumbunguttias), who takes the totemic form of the sulphur-crested white cockatoo.
Credit: Amirreza Kamkar/IAU OAE

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Caption: 2022年国际天文学联合会(IAU)OAE天文摄影比赛静态天体图案类别获奖作品。 这幅全天图像展示的是2019年5月在日本长野看到的银河系越过天顶的景象。这种全天空图像可以用鱼眼镜头拍摄,也可以用地面上的凸面镜拍摄,后者也可以显示出拍摄者。 在这幅图像中可以看到夜空中最亮的几颗恒星,以及太阳系中的两颗巨行星——木星和土星。木星是本图底部最亮的一点,而土星则是银河系另一侧的另一个亮点,位于底部,紧挨着地平线。 在银河的正右方、木星的下方,我们可以看到一颗明亮的红色恒星——心宿二,它是日本星宿“心宿”的主星。日本星宿源于中国古代的星宿,只做了很小的改动,甚至没有改动。在这一传统中,“心宿”是“四象”之一“苍龙”的心脏,代表着春天。在巴比伦和希腊罗马的传统中,这个区域被认为是天蝎的心脏。在巴比伦宗教中,这颗星与母神的孩子李斯有关,但在希腊神话中,由于它的颜色,它与火星有关。红色也使这颗恒星在中国被称为“大火星”。我们知道,这种颜色是由它相对较低的温度造成的。 从心宿二向右移动,我们会看到天空中更靠北的部分。图像右下方靠近地平线的亮星是位于现代的牧夫座的大角星。心宿二及其周围天区被认为是苍龙的心脏,而大角星和角宿一(位于地平线之下)则是两个仅含有单星的星群,构成了苍龙的巨角。在图像右侧的地平线边缘,从上方向它指去的,是北斗七星的柄,它是大熊座的一部分。 银河右侧、图像中间上方的亮点是织女星,位于现代的天琴座。向银河的另一侧连一条线,在图像的下方一点,我们可以看到牛郎星,位于天鹰座。从那里我们可以再将一条线连到天鹅座最亮的恒星——牛郎星,这颗星在图像中的位置也稍高一些,完全被银河淹没了。这三颗明亮的恒星组成了北半球被称为“夏季大三角”的星群。
Credit: Ohnishi Kouji/IAU OAE

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Caption: 2022年国际天文学联合会天文教育办公室天文摄影大赛获奖作品,类别:天体图案静态图像。 这张照片的构图令人惊叹。在远处的风景背景中,我们看到一连串的山脉,似乎与上方天空中的银河结构相映成趣。风景中强烈的日光般的色彩是由图像顶部的亮光——月亮造成的。 这张照片拍摄于2019年2月的马来西亚基纳巴卢山,展示了行星与月亮的排列,传达了黄道作为黄道带中心线的概念,黄道是行星绕太阳运行的平面。黄道是黄道带的中心线,因此黄道两侧约5到10度的区域是黄道带星座的所在地。从图像左下方的地平线开始,我们可以看到金星、土星和木星。这些行星对世界各地的人们有着不同的文化意义,并深深地扎根于社会、宗教和实际生活中。例如,澳大利亚土著瓦达曼人的传统将行星与穿越天路(黄道)的祖先灵魂联系在一起。行星在天空中的出现和消失与各种仪式相关。例如,当金星从“昏星”变为“晨星”时,这标志着澳大利亚阿纳姆地的尤努族人的巴努比尔仪式。 这张图片还展示了天蝎座、天鹰座、豺狼座和南三角座,以及茶壶星群和两颗指针星——半人马座α星和β星。这些星座、星群及其中的个别恒星在许多不同文化中都具有重要意义。 马来西亚靠近赤道,与北方和南方都有联系,几乎全年都能看到整个天空。西沙漠的科卡塔人将心宿二视为Kogolongo,即红尾黑凤头鹦鹉,而布龙族则称其为Djuit,即红腰鹦鹉。形成天蝎座尾刺的两颗星(尾宿八和尾宿九)被称为Karik Karik,即澳大利亚红隼。
Credit: Likai Lin/IAU OAU

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Orion appears as an hourglass shape of stars in the bottom of the image. Above Taurus is v-shaped with a small star cluster

Romanian Orion

Caption: Winner in the 2022 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Still images of celestial patterns.   Taken in Romania in August 2012, this image shows two of the most recognisable constellations in the sky, Orion and Taurus. Orion, the Hunter, is found near the horizon. The most prominent star visible in this image is Betelgeuse, while the asterism of Orion’s belt is formed by three aligned bright stars. Just above Orion we can find Taurus, one of the constellations of the Zodiac. As the Zodiac is inherited from Babylon, The Bull of Heaven represents a mighty but dangerous creature that was defeated by King Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu. They cut the Bull in half and sacrificed the animal to the gods in order to protect their people. Taurus is also home to the star cluster Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters. Two planets are visible: Venus, the bright spot near the fence, and Jupiter, the bright spot at the top, next to the Bull’s face. Different cultures have included the stars of these constellations in their own mythology. The Romanians, for instance, after Christianisation identified four other constellations using some of the stars of Orion and others surrounding it. One such constellation is called Trisfetitele (the Three Saints), which is associated with the three stars comprising Orion's Belt, representing the Three Hierarchs Basil, Gregory and John. This same asterism is also called Three Wise Men, Kings from the East or just Three Kings — all of these names being rooted in the Christian religion. The agricultural calendar, in contrast, led farmers to define two other constellations, the Little Plough and the Sickle. Both are seen in the southern half of the Orion rectangle; the Little Plough is drawn by connecting the southern quadrilateral with Orion’s left shoulder, and the Sickle is formed by connecting Orion’s left foot (Rigel) with the belt stars, forming an arch and completing the form of a hoe. In the cultural calendar, these constellations were used to announce the harvest of wheat/grain. Finally, the fourth Romanian constellation is the Great Auger, where Orion’s belt represents the handle of the auger, and Betelgeuse is the tip, facing towards Pollux in Gemini. This constellation is associated with treasure, as Romanian peasants believe that the Auger points to the treasure when they approach the end of the world. Most of the official star names in Orion are Arabic; Mintaka (meaning “belt”) is at the waist; Alnitak (meaning “girdle”) and Alnilam (meaning “string”) are at the belt; and Rigel (meaning foot) is at the left foot. The star on the left shoulder is named Bellatrix, the Latin term for a female warrior. The star at the right leg is called Saiph, for the sword or sabre of the Arabic Orion.
Credit: Alex Conu/IAU OAE

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Caption: 2022 年国际天文学联合会 OAE 天体摄影比赛静态天体图案类获奖作品。 本影像摄于2021年10月意大利威尼托大区的多洛米蒂自然公园(Parco Naturale Dolomiti),展现拉瓦雷多三峰(Tre Cime di Lavaredo)上空的壮丽星野。 画面左侧明亮光点为木星,此时正位于摩羯座。木星右下方、摩羯座双角星之间可见土星。木星上方延伸至水瓶座(黄道最大星座之一)区域。银河左侧北天区多为暗星,唯左上角泛白的飞马座双星"危宿三"(Enif)较醒目。 银河如天界雾霭自岩峰升腾,其左右分别悬着牛郎星(Altair/河鼓二)与织女星(Vega/织女一)——这对被银河分隔的"星界眷侣"呼应着中国七夕传说。现代天文学将二者与画面顶缘的天津四(Deneb)共组"夏季大三角",构成北半球经典星象。 牛郎星作为巴比伦鹰座(Aquila)主星,承载着《埃塔纳史诗》中神鹰背负君王凌空瞰地的古老传说。古罗马时期,托勒密将鹰座下方新增的"安提诺乌斯"子星座(Antinous)解读为溺亡尼罗河的哈德良皇帝宠臣之魂。 织女星(银河右侧亮白星体)隶属天琴座,该星座以拥有行星状星云"环状星云"(Ring Nebula)闻名,展现恒星临终时抛射气体形成的瑰丽景象。 画面右缘显著弯曲排列的三星为大熊座北斗杓柄,其指向地平线附近的牧夫座主星大角星(Arcturus)。牧夫座风筝状星群可能源自巴比伦神"恩利尔"(Enlil)的天界投影,后被罗马人重构为驾驭"七牛星"(即北斗七星)的耕夫形象。 织女星正右方可见武仙座广袤星域,其下方与牧夫座左侧交界的半圆星群,则是希腊神话中克里特公主阿里阿德涅的冠冕——北冕座(Corona Borealis)。 画面左下角云层反光为人造光源所致。
Credit: Giorgia Hofer/IAU OAE

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Caption: 这张照片是 2023 年 2 月在美国宾夕法尼亚州卢泽恩县上空用智能手机拍摄的,让我们得以一窥合相现象,这是一种迷人的天文现象,当从我们的视角看到两个或两个以上的天体在天空中紧紧相邻时就会发生这种现象,尽管这些天体实际上并不靠近彼此。在这张照片中,木星(上面)的光辉、金星的魅力(中间)和月亮熟悉的光芒(下面)在微妙的云层和树线轮廓的背景下翩翩起舞,这一刻值得珍藏。
Credit: Joslynn Appel/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)

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Caption: 2020 年 5 月,在中国四川高海拔的贡嘎山山顶上,一位孤独的观星者站在凉爽的夜风中。他们抬头仰望,看到了银河系横跨天空的壮丽弧线,这张照片是用智能手机的全景模式拍摄的,它在海拔 4200 米远离城市灯光处拍摄,静谧的群山突显了地球与浩瀚宇宙之间的联系。我们可以在银河系中央隆起处看到木星,而地平线上淡淡的绿色气辉为这一场景增添了一抹迷人的色彩。
Credit: Jianfeng Dai/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)

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