This page describes an image Aries Constellation Map
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Diagram caption:
The constellation Aries along with its bright stars and surrounding constellations. Aries is surrounded by (going clockwise from the top) Triangulum, Pisces, Cetus, Taurus and Perseus. Aries lies on the ecliptic (shown here as a blue line), this is the path the Sun appears to take across the sky over the course of a year. The Sun is in Aries from mid April to mid May. The other planets of the Solar System can often be found in Aries.
Aries lies just north of the celestial equator and is thus visible at some time in the year from all of planet Earth except for the most antarctic regions of the world. Aries is most visible in the evenings in the northern hemisphere winter and southern hemisphere summer.
The y-axis of this diagram is in degrees of declination with north as up and the x-axis is in hours of right ascension with east to the left. The sizes of the stars marked here relate to the star's apparent magnitude, a measure of its apparent brightness. The larger dots represent brighter stars. The Greek letters mark the brightest stars in the constellation. These are ranked by brightness with the brightest star being labeled alpha, the second brightest beta, etc., although this ordering is not always followed exactly. The dotted boundary lines mark the IAU's boundaries of the constellations and the solid green lines mark one of the common forms used to represent the figures of the constellations. Neither the constellation boundaries, nor the line marking the ecliptic, nor the lines joining the stars appear on the sky.
Diagram credit: Adapted by the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education from the original by IAU/Sky & Telescope. Credit Link
Diagram translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Diagram translators: An automated transliteration from the simplified Chinese translation by -
Related glossary terms:
, 星座
, 白羊座
, 視星等
, 赤經(RA)
, 赤緯
, 金牛座
, 雙魚座
, 黃道
, 黃道十二宮
Naked Eye Astronomy
Diagram license: Creative Commons 姓名標示 4.0 國際 (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons 姓名標示 4.0 國際 (CC BY 4.0) icons
In Other Languages
英語: Aries Constellation Map義大利語: Mappa della costellazione dell'Ariete
西班牙語: Mapa de la constelación de Aries
The diagram captions presented on the OAE website were written, translated and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits for our translation project here. All media file captions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE". The media files themselves may have different licenses (see above) and should be credited as listed above under "credit".
If you notice a error in this diagram or its caption then please get in touch.