Prof Jacob Tolno Israel
Team Chair and Contact Person, NAEC team - Guinea
Association Guineenne de L'astro (AGA)
I am an educator and writer of science books for children.
I was born in 1992 in Kissidougou-Guinea.
I would like to make my country a contributor of scientific knowledge, especially astronomical knowledge.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027
Team Chair and Contact Person, NAEC team - Guinea
Association Guineenne de L'astro (AGA)
I am an educator and writer of science books for children.
I was born in 1992 in Kissidougou-Guinea.
I would like to make my country a contributor of scientific knowledge, especially astronomical knowledge.
Appointed as NAEC until: Aug. 1, 2027
To get in touch with the NAEC team for Guinea please contact:
Prof Jacob Tolno Israel via tolnojacobisraelatgmail.com