Dr Niall Deacon

Brief biography
Niall Deacon is a Coordinator at the IAU OAE. Originally from Scotland, he obtained his PhD from the University of Edinburgh and held postdoctoral research positions in the Netherlands, the USA, the UK and Germany. His research focused on low mass stars, brown dwarfs and exoplanets. In 2020, his book about exoplanets for a general audience “Twenty Worlds” was released.At the OAE Niall is helping to put together the multilingual glossary, managing translations of the Big Ideas in Astronomy project and has worked on developing the OAE website. He is also the Education and Public Outreach Coordinator for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-V.
Affiliation: Office of Astronomy for Education/Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Email: deaconatastro4edu.org
OAE Main Office