
This page describes a video Icelandic Rivers of Light, by Sergio Díaz Ruiz, Spain

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Video caption: Second place in the 2021 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Aurorae (time-lapses)

This video shows how aurorae evolve slowly over timescales of a few minutes. Note the clouds being illuminated from behind in the last two shots. Aurorae are caused by interactions between the charged particles blown out in huge explosions from the Sun and the Earth's magnetic field. The changes over time are caused by huge waves of particles pushing the Earth's magnetic field into strange shapes before it snaps back into place.
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Video credit: Sergio Díaz Ruiz/IAU OAE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5279740
Related glossary terms: Aurora , Aurora Borealis , Geomagnetic Storm , Ionization
Categories: Naked Eye Astronomy

Video license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons

The media file captions presented on the OAE website were written, translated and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits for our translation project here. All media file captions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE". The media files themselves may have different licenses (see above) and should be credited as listed above under "credit".

Captions in Different Languages:

Video caption: Secondo posto al Concorso di Astrofotografia IAU OAE 2021, categoria Aurore (time-lapses)

Questo video mostra come le aurore si evolvono lentamente nell'arco di pochi minuti. Si noti che le nuvole sono illuminate da dietro nelle ultime due immagini. Le aurore sono causate dalle interazioni tra le particelle cariche emesse dalle grandi esplosioni del Sole e il campo magnetico terrestre. I cambiamenti nel tempo sono causati da enormi ondate di particelle che mutano la struttura del campo magnetico terrestre in forme strane prima di farlo tornare alla struttura iniziale.
Video credit: Sergio Díaz Ruiz/IAU OAE
Related glossary terms: Aurora , Aurora Boreale , Ionizzazione , Tempesta Geomagnetica
Caption translation status: Approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Giuliana Giobbi, Francesco Salvestrini
Caption reviewers: Rosa Valiante, Rodolfo Canestrari