
The OAE Review on
Earth As A Planet


On October 13, 2021, actor William Shatner -- Captain Kirk of the Enterprise -- had his first real orbital flight experience. His first words after exiting the capsule? ""Everybody in the world needs to do this. Everybody in the world needs to see this."" Once again, we went into space and came back with the awareness that this world is fragile and we should take care of it, together. To solve the problems, together. Apart from being the cradle of humankind, Earth is also the third planet of our Solar system. This allows us to apply the astronomer point of view to it, and this point of view is the leading topic of the ""Earth as Planet"" review. This point of view has at least two different declinations, which are both explored in the material: the source of the awareness that we are all ""under the same sky"", and the consciousness that the physical laws that apply here are the same as elsewhere, and therefore we can learn about our world by comparing it to the others planets. The resources also include material to advance the public understanding of global warming, with a positive approach, leveraging on the inspirational role of scientists.

Mini-review document

This review was the topic of a session at the 3rd Shaw-IAU Workshop. The proceedings from this session have been adapted into a mini-review (PDF file 3.35 MB) .