This page describes an image Jupiter, Venus, Moon Conjunction
Image caption:
Captured with a smartphone in February 2023, over the skies of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, USA, this photograph offers a glimpse into a conjunction, an enthralling astronomical phenomenon that occurs when two or more celestial objects are seen in close proximity in the sky from our perspective, despite the objects not being physically near to each other. In this image, the brilliance of Jupiter (top), the allure of Venus (middle), and the familiar glow of our Moon (bottom) dance together against a backdrop of delicate clouds and a treeline silhouette, making it a moment worth treasuring.
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Image credit:
Joslynn Appel/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10359555
Related glossary terms:
, Jupiter
, Moon
, Venus
Image license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons
The media file captions presented on the OAE website were written, translated and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits for our translation project here. All media file captions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE". The media files themselves may have different licenses (see above) and should be credited as listed above under "credit".
If you notice a factual error in this caption or an error in any of its translations then please get in touch.
Captions in Different Languages:
Image caption: ২০২৩ সালের ফেব্রুয়ারিতে একটি স্মার্টফোন দিয়ে ক্যাপচার করা, লুজারনে কাউন্টি, পেনসিলভানিয়া, মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের আকাশের উপর, এই ফটোগ্রাফটি একটি সংমিশ্রণে একটি আভাস দেয়, একটি চিত্তাকর্ষক জ্যোতির্বিদ্যার ঘটনা যা ঘটে যখন আমাদের আকাশে দুটি বা ততোধিক মহাকাশীয় বস্তু কাছাকাছি থেকে দেখা যায়। দৃষ্টিকোণ, বস্তুগুলি শারীরিকভাবে একে অপরের কাছাকাছি না হওয়া সত্ত্বেও। এই ছবিতে, বৃহস্পতির উজ্জ্বলতা (উপরে), শুক্রের আকর্ষণ (মাঝখানে), এবং আমাদের চাঁদের পরিচিত আভা (নীচে) সূক্ষ্ম মেঘ এবং একটি ট্রিলাইন সিলুয়েটের পটভূমিতে একসাথে নাচ করে, এটি একটি মুহূর্তকে মূল্যবান করে তুলেছে।
Image credit: জোসলিন অ্যাপেল/আইএইউ ওএই (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: Conjunction , Jupiter , Moon , Venus Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Raktim Mukherjee
Image caption: Menzione d'onore al concorso di astrofotografia IAU OAE 2023, categoria Immagini fisse con smartphone-dispositivi mobili: Congiunzione di Giove, Venere e Luna, di Joslynn Appel.
Catturata con uno smartphone nel febbraio 2023, nei cieli della contea di Luzerne, in Pennsylvania (USA), questa fotografia offre uno sguardo su una congiunzione, un fenomeno astronomico affascinante che si verifica quando due o più oggetti celesti sono visti accostarsi nel cielo dalla nostra prospettiva, nonostante gli oggetti non siano fisicamente vicini. In questa immagine, la brillantezza di Giove (in alto), il fascino di Venere (al centro) e il familiare bagliore della nostra Luna (in basso) danzano insieme su uno sfondo di nuvole delicate e una silhouette di alberi, rendendo questo momento degno di essere conservato. La fotografia riceve una menzione d'onore nella categoria Immagini fisse scattate esclusivamente con smartphone/dispositivi mobili.
Image credit: Joslynn Appel/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: Congiunzione , Giove , Luna , Venere (pianeta) Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Valentina La Parola
Image caption: 这张照片是 2023 年 2 月在美国宾夕法尼亚州卢泽恩县上空用智能手机拍摄的,让我们得以一窥合相现象,这是一种迷人的天文现象,当从我们的视角看到两个或两个以上的天体在天空中紧紧相邻时就会发生这种现象,尽管这些天体实际上并不靠近彼此。在这张照片中,木星(上面)的光辉、金星的魅力(中间)和月亮熟悉的光芒(下面)在微妙的云层和树线轮廓的背景下翩翩起舞,这一刻值得珍藏。
Image credit: Joslynn Appel/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: 合 , 月球 , 木星 , 金星 Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Xiao Jingyu
Image caption: 這張照片是 2023 年 2 月在美國賓夕法尼亞州盧澤恩縣上空用智能手機拍攝的,讓我們得以一窺合相現象,這是一種迷人的天文現象,當從我們的視角看到兩個或兩個以上的天體在天空中緊緊相鄰時就會發生這種現象,儘管這些天體實際上並不靠近彼此。在這張照片中,木星(上面)的光輝、金星的魅力(中間)和月亮熟悉的光芒(下麵)在微妙的雲層和樹線輪廓的背景下翩翩起舞,這一刻值得珍藏。
Image credit: Joslynn Appel/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
Related glossary terms: 合 , 月球 , 木星 , 金星 Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: An automated transliteration from the simplified Chinese translation by - Xiao Jingyu