
This page describes a video Jupiter, Io and its shadow, by Ralf Burkart, Germany

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Video caption: First place in the 2021 IAU OAE Astrophotography Contest, category Galilean moons.

This time-lapse of Jupiter taken in 2017 from Germany beautifully illustrates the transit of one of the Galilean moons, Io, in front of Jupiter. As this is simply a moon casting a shadow on a planet it is equivalent to a lunar eclipse on Earth observed from further away. While the shadow of the moon is clearly visible from the beginning, it might be difficult to spot the moon itself against the background of the beautiful atmospheric bands of Jupiter the first time the video is seen. Watching it repeatedly allows appreciating the rapid motion and rotation in this fantastic observation.
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Video credit: Ralf Burkart/IAU OAE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5291459
Related glossary terms: Galilean Satellites , Gas Giant , Io , Jupiter , Moons , Orbit , Outer Planets , Planet , Transit
Categories: Solar System

Video license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) icons

The media file captions presented on the OAE website were written, translated and reviewed by a collective effort from the OAE, the OAE Centers and Nodes, the OAE National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) and other volunteers. You can find a full list of credits for our translation project here. All media file captions are released under a Creative Commons CC BY-4.0 license and should be credited to "IAU OAE". The media files themselves may have different licenses (see above) and should be credited as listed above under "credit".

Captions in Different Languages:

Video caption: Primo posto al concorso di astrofotografia IAU OAE 2021, categoria Lune Galileiane.

Questo time-lapse di Giove ripreso nel 2017 dalla Germania illustra splendidamente il transito di una delle lune galileiane, Io, davanti a Giove. Trattandosi semplicemente di una luna che proietta un'ombra su un pianeta, è equivalente a un'eclissi lunare sulla Terra osservata da più lontano. Mentre l'ombra della luna è chiaramente visibile fin dall'inizio, potrebbe essere difficile individuare la luna stessa sullo sfondo delle bellissime bande atmosferiche di Giove la prima volta che si guarda il video. Guardarlo ripetutamente permette di apprezzare il rapido movimento e la rotazione in questa fantastica osservazione.
Video credit: Ralf Burkart/IAU OAE
Related glossary terms: Gigante gassoso , Giove , Il transito , Io , Lune , Orbita , Pianeta , Pianeti esterni , Satelliti galileiani
Caption translation status: Approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Giuliana Giobbi, Valentina La Parola, Francesco Salvestrini
Caption reviewers: Silvia Casu, Rosa Valiante, Rodolfo Canestrari, Anna Wolter

Simplified Chinese
Video caption: 2021 年国际天文学联合会 OAE 天体摄影比赛伽利略卫星类第一名。

这幅木星的延时摄影是于2017 年从德国拍摄的,作品精美地展示了伽利略卫星之一木卫一在木星前的凌星现象。由于这只是卫星在行星上投下影子,因此相当于从更远的地方观测地球上的月食。虽然卫星的影子从一开始就清晰可见,但在木星美丽的大气带背景下,第一次观看视频时可能很难发现卫星本身。反复观看可以欣赏到这一奇妙的快速运动和旋转过程。
Video credit: Ralf Burkart/IAU OAE
Related glossary terms: 伽利略卫星 , , 卫星 , 外行星 , 木卫一,音译为艾奥 , 木星 , 气态巨行星 , 行星 , 轨道
Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: Hu Xueying

Traditional Chinese
Video caption: 2021 年國際天文學聯合會 OAE 天體攝影比賽伽利略衛星類第一名。

這幅木星的延時攝影是於2017 年從德國拍攝的,作品精美地展示了伽利略衛星之一木衛一在木星前的凌星現象。由於這只是衛星在行星上投下影子,因此相當於從更遠的地方觀測地球上的月食。雖然衛星的影子從一開始就清晰可見,但在木星美麗的大氣帶背景下,第一次觀看視頻時可能很難發現衛星本身。反復觀看可以欣賞到這一奇妙的快速運動和旋轉過程。
Video credit: Ralf Burkart/IAU OAE
Related glossary terms: 伽利略衛星 , 外行星 , 木星 , 木衛一,音譯為艾奧 , 氣態巨行星 , , 行星 , 衛星 , 軌道
Caption translation status: Not yet approved by a reviewer
Caption translators: An automated transliteration from the simplified Chinese translation by - Hu Xueying